#GivingThanks Part 3:
In this season of Thanksgiving, FRI turns our thoughts to our members, supporters, and volunteers for all they have done over the last year to help us meet our mission: To transform Far East Dallas into a Safe, Beautiful, Prosperous and Proud community by inspiring hope and working together to achieve a shared vision.”
FRI says thank you to:
7. Ed Snyder just completed a three year term on the FRI board of directors. Ed is a retired City Attorney and has been invaluable to FRI in helping us navigate planning and zoning issues. Ed has served faithfully on our Fund Development and Membership Committee. Although he is stepping down from the FRI board, he will continue to serve on these committees. Ed, thank you for your service to FRI!
8. Sue and Larry Ingram own the McDonalds franchise at 8117 E. R. L. Thornton. The Ingrams recently received the coveted FRI Obelisk Award for community service to Far East Dallas and FRI. They are always there for our community, churches and schools.
9. Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake is a leader in Far East Dallas and is committed to providing screenings and other services to keep our community healthy and well. Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake is a business leader in our community and with the opening of their Urgent Care facility at Casa Linda Plaza, their partnership with Mission East Dallas, and the YMCA at White Rock, they continue to provide leadership in the healthcare industry of our community. Thank you, Jay Krishnaswamy (CEO), for your leadership and to Tenet Healthcare!